The term Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), has two words within it. Trigeminal nerve is one of the (twelve) cranial (head) nerves which has three divisions (ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular) supplying to the areas of upper eye-lid to the lower chin. Neuralgia means pain. TN is a disorder of the Trigeminal nerve which presents as facial pain and headache. The pain is characteristically severe, intense, sharp, episodic, periodical, excruciating, stabbing and short lasting.
TN is also known as tic douloureux.
When the patient’s Trigeminal nerve during an acute neuralgia phase was studied under electron microscope, it was revealed that the abnormality existed at the level of the inner nerve fibers called axons which carry nerve sensation, as well as the myelin (the nerve lining covering the nerve fibers). Due to the damage to such delicate parts, the nerve fiber behave like electrical wire with open ends, leading to electric shock like pain induced by touch or jerk.
What causes Trigeminal Neuralgia?
The causes has been increasingly proved and understood that most cases of TN have demyelination of the sensory nerve fibers of the Trigeminal Nerve, either in the nerve root or (rarely) the brain stem. Demyelination means an erosion of the nerve sheath, which leads to the exposure of the nerve fibers. The exposed nerve fibers often get compressed or irritated by blood vessels (pulsating arteries or veins), which lead to painful episodes of Trigeminal Neuralgia due to misfiring of the nerve..
Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)
As Trigeminal Neuralgia is typically described by the patients as episodes of extremely severe pain. TN is probably the most painful condition known to the human race.
The Trigeminal Neuralgia pain is described as:
- Lancinating pain (as if poked by thorns)
- Like electric shock (as if a live wire is left free inside of the face)
- Stabbing pain
- Excruciating pain (as if a drilling machine is put on the certain part of face)
- Stitching pain
- Shooting pain
- Burning (as if fire)
The pain might typically get worse by following triggers:
- Chewing and drinking
- Brushing and gargling
- Touching the face
- Talking
- Kissing
- Slightest wind or draft of air
- Movement of eye lids or blinking
The Trigeminal Neuralgia is more common in the age group of 40 years plus. However, younger people as well as children may also present with TN. Very uncommon in children. The pain may get triggered either without any cause or by certain motions involving the facial muscles, such as washing face, brushing teeth, gargling, shaving, applying facial make-up, touching the face, blowing, kissing, etc. The pain may initiate in any of the parts supplied by the Trigeminal nerve. However, it may vary from patient to patient depending on which of the three divisions of the Trigeminal nerve is affected. It may present with pain in the head, upper face, cheeks, dental pain, pain in lips, side of tongue, chin, etc..
Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Homeopathy addresses multiple causes and factors while deciding on the treatment.And helps in both relief and protecting against the complication.
Tips for better management of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Some tips to avoid painful attacks:
- Avoid exposure to wind and draft of cold air
- Avoid (mental and physical) stress such as anxiety, lack of sleep, long drives, etc.
- Avoid low room temperature for throughout the night, it might aggravate pain at night or on waking up
- Identify some trigger factors such as cold water, gargling, certain facial movements while eating or shaving, etc. and avoid them
- Avoid missing doses of medicines
- Avoid eating hard food articles
- Learn to avoid sudden jerky movements, turning neck while driving, etc.
- Maintain excellent oral hygiene to avoid dental carries