Homeopathic Preventive for Swine fluHomeopathy is known worldwide for the treatment of various virus infections which include all forms of influenza or flues. Swine flu is a new infection to treat for all doctors. However, from experience and accumulated knowledge we can say that some of the homeopathic medicines are likely to have significant role as therapeutic, supportive or preventive measures. Some of the commonly used probable homeopathic preventives based on experience are Influenzinum, Occilococcinum, Gelsemium, Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox), etc. |
Don’t panic, just be alert!
The first thing is “Don’t Panic!”, before we talk about the Swine Flu virus and its probable treatment. There is a need to get alert.
What is Swine Flu infection?
Everyone knows about and may have suffered with influenza or flu infection. Flu is an infection caused by certain virus, which comes, stays for a few days and goes away. Similarly, Swine Flu is also a kind influenza virus. Here, the difference is that it can be more severe than regular flu infection.
Why is it called H1N1?
All virus have been named. H1N1 is a name given to the Swine flu virus. In the same group, there are some related virus-named as H1N2, H2N3, etc.
What are the symptoms of Swine flu?
The symptoms are similar to regular flu:
- Fever
- Cold
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Body ache
- Sore throat
- Chilliness
- Backache
- Pain in joints
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Lack of appetite
- Low energy
Where do you get it from?
Swine flu being a viral disease, it spreads from a person suffering with the same virus. It spreads through air, by sneezing and coughing, and touch of the affected patient. A sneeze or a cough of a patient can through millions of Swine flu virus in the air.
Congested places such as closes room, classroom, office, train, bus, mall, etc are sources of infection, as one infected person could spread it to many healthy patients.
Who is at higher risk?
- Those who are already suffering with poor resistance.
- Children having tuberculosis
- Elderly people above 65 years
- Children below five years
- Patients with diabetes or other disease which lowers vitality
- Pregnant female
- HIV positive patients
- Patients with heart, lung, liver or kidney disease
- Patients who are on immunosuppressive medicines for other diseases
- People with tremendous physical or mental stress
- Patients on cortisone or chemotherapy
Why is so much of Panic about Swine flu?
Well, swine flu is now an pandemic, which means the entire world is at risk. Since the disease spread rapidly and it can have serious consequences, there is obviously threat to life.
It is important to get alert and extremely careful about:Controlling the spread & Timely treatment
What happens to Swine flu patient, finally?
Swine flu infection, like most other viral infections, is likely to subside eventually; whether treated or not. However, some of the patients are at risk of turning into a serious medical condition called ARD (Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome), which may turn even fatal.