Ganglion is a small sac filled with fluid and is formed from the lining of a joint or tendon. It usually forms when the tissues surrounding certain joints become inflamed and swell up with lubricating fluid.
It is generally caused due to some kind of trauma to the joint but the cause may not be evident in all cases. Ganglion formation is more common in women (M:F = 1:3) and 70% occur in the late teens and young adulthood. Some joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis have been associated with ganglion cysts. Occupational factors play an important role in the development of ganglion. Those occupations that require workers to overuse certain joints such as the wrist and fingers, for instance typewriters, pose a risk for ganglion cysts.
Most commonly, ganglion formation is seen on the wrist (usually the back side) and fingers, but it can also develop on the shoulders, elbows and knees. Ganglia are usually painless swellings that can form around any joint. However, the condition can become painful when the ganglion presses nerves. This pain can restrict the range of movements and activity of an individual. They can increase in size or can disappear spontaneously.
Role of homeopathic treatment:
Timely administration of homoeopathic medicines helps in alleviating the pain due to inflammation as well as preventing the further inflammation and formation of ganglion.