Pain in the back anywhere below the ribs and up to the hips is called low back pain. It is a condition that affects over 90% of the population at one time or the other. Next to common cold, it remains the most common reason why people seek medical help. Back pain in the most common cause for sick leaves.
Your back pains definitely deserve medical attention in the following situations:
- You suddenly lose control over your bowel and bladder movements.
- There are additional symptoms of numbness in the feet, nausea vomiting etc.
- You have had a violent injury involving the back.
- There is redness of the skin overlying the backbones.
- Pain is elicited even with slight application of pressure.
- You have developed weakness in the legs along with or after onset of the back pains.
- The pains radiate below the hips to the legs.
- Even the slightest movement is intolerable.
Causes of backache
Apart from the above mentioned triggers, backache can be caused by a number of other conditions.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): with increasing age, the joints of the backbones undergo degeneration..
- Herniated Discs (disc prolapse): any heavy strain or increased pressure in the back can displace the round, resilient discs which act as shock absorbers for the back bones.
- Injuries and fractures of the vertebrae (backbone): conditions that cause nerve, bone and tissue injury can cause back pain ‘ vehicular accidents, fall from a bike, fall on the back compressing the structures in the back.
- Compression of the spinal cord itself (Spinal stenosis): With aging, the ‘spinal canal’ narrow, compressing the contents within it. Back pain is a common symptom of spinal stenosis.
- Deformities: often the backbone curvature is damaged secondary to other diseases. The alignment which is usually straight tends to deviate either to the sides (scoliosis) or appear bent forwards (kyphosis).
- Occupational: many occupations can take a toll on your back. If your work requires long hours of standing, lifting of heavy weights or sitting in an uncomfortable position, your back will possibly suffer.
- Athletes are very prone to low back aches.
- Back pain might also originate from the nerves, spine and muscles of the back. Conditions affecting structures present in the abdomen and pelvis – (kidneys, ovaries, intestines, prostate etc.) can cause a backache.
How Homoeopathy Help in back pain?
Homeopathy is strongly recommended in Backache. The detailed approach in homoeopathy focuses on cause of the backache and helps in curing the problem completely. In Acute back pain and pathologically advanced cases homoeopathic medicine offers relief there by bettering the suffering.
Click on the link to Know more on backache management at SATTVAM
How do I prevent backaches?
Some simple measures can help keep back pain at bay!
- Learn to bend and lift objects properly.
- Avoid standing for long periods at a stretch. If you must stand for a long time, make sure your ears, shoulders, hips and knees are in the same straight line.
- When sitting for long, make sure your chair has a high back and supports your back (especially the region between the ribs and hip-bones) curvature properly. You may need the help of a pillow for the same.
- Don’t slouch when sitting.
- While sleeping, make sure your bed provides adequate support to your back. Very soft beds can strain your back muscles. If you are prone to back pains, then sleep on your back with your legs straight. Bending the legs at the hips increases stress on your back muscles.
- Exercise daily. A good exercise will improve your posture.
- Never skip your warm-up exercises, even if you do regular workouts.
- Manage your weight. Try maintaining your body weight within the range optimal for your age, sex, and daily routines.
- Have foods rich in calcium, Vitamin D, phosphorus and proteins. They both help in building and repairing bones and muscles.
- Wear low-heeled shoes. Avoid wearing stilettos for long periods.