Mother Nature has blessed mankind amongst all the entities on the earth with an extraordinary quality of logical and rational thinking. The storehouse of immense knowledge, ‘BRAIN’ is the source of this exceptional attribute. Unfortunately, the entire system of an individual becomes handicapped as the same brain starts deteriorating. The major culprit who is involved in the deterioration of brain is Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disease of brain that robs the afflicted individual of intelligence, memory and eventually life.
Dementia is an umbrella term for several symptoms related to a decline in thinking skills and progressive deterioration of brain performance.
Common symptoms include:
- A gradual loss of memory,
- problems with reasoning or judgment,
- disorientation,
- difficulty in learning,
- Loss of language skills, etc.
People with dementia also experience changes in their personalities and behavioral problems. The cumulative effect of all these changes becomes distressing both to the individual and their families. It should be stressed that Alzheimer’s disease knows no social, economic, ethnic or geographical boundaries; eventually those affected are unable to care for themselves and need help with all aspects of daily life. The magnitude of this disease is huge, there are estimated to be 17-25 million people worldwide with Alzheimer’s disease.
What happens to brain in Alzheimer’ disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive death of brain cells. This results from two abnormal structures in the brain: Amyloid plaques (pronounced AM i loyd, which are clumps of protein fragments that accumulate outside of cells and Neurofibrillary tangles (pronounced NUR o FI bri lair ee), which are clumps of altered proteins inside cells.
Alzheimer’s disease is difficult disorder. Homeopathy system offers reasonably positive treatment if not cure.
When we discuss the role of medicine for certain diseases, we probably do not talk of the ‘cure’ in real sense, but more of ‘control’ and ‘relief’. AD is one such condition, where homeopathy has following role to play:
- To control the disease process whereby further deterioration of the brain damage is helped to certain extent
- To improve to an extent some of the symptoms: communication, failing memory, anxiety, restlessness, etc.
Many of the problems associated with dementia such as restlessness, depression, and agitation can be treated effectively and gently with homeopathy. It may also be possible, especially in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, to improve someone’s memory with homeopathic medication. Timely administered homeopathy medicines can prevent further progress of disease.