Sattvam was founded by Dr Deepak Shah in 1987 in a serene neighborhood of Malleswaram, Bangalore (INDIA). With a firm belief in Principles of Homoeopathy and Human Philosophy. Sattvam has come a long way from a single window approach to disease and treatment to a comprehensive Integrated approach to patient care and disease, with different areas of specialization and team of consultant.
SATTVAM is founded on high ethical values with its base line as “ BETTER HUMANS MAKE BETTER PHYSICIANS”. In the age of Internet, one comes across commercialization of medical services. SATTVAM ‘s policies are based on Good Medical Practice (GMP) guidelines.
- We @ sattvam, offer authentic and genuine guidance to all those who make inquiry for homeopathic treatment.
- We do not force any one to opt for treatment.
- We explain scope and limitation of treatment for one’s disease condition, based on the extent and the stage of disease.
- We do not over-promise.
- We undertake treatment of only those patients whom we think we would be able to help to certain extent.
- We gracefully refuse treatment for those disease conditions where homeopathy has no role to play.
- At sattvam, ethical values win over commercial values.
To be the best homoeopathic health care clinic across the globe.
TEAM : SATTVAM’s team includes
- Homoeopathic Consultants
- Special Educator,
- Family Counsellor,
- Clinical psychologist,
- Yoga Therapist
- Nutritionist and Dietician