Urticaria also called nettle-rash or hives or wheals in a common language, simply means itching with rash. Medically, urticaria may be defined as skin eruption, which is allergic (or non-allergic) in origin and is characterized by profound itching, red circular or irregularly shaped eruptions on any part of the body.
These eruptions can remain on the body for variable period, anywhere between few seconds to even hours. They have tendency to disappear and reappear. They tend to disappear without leaving behind any trace.
Urticaria: The Inner War:
The urticaria rash is a symptom of an allergic and immunological event taking place at the dermal level. The exact understanding is illusive to an extent. In brief, urticaria is a hypersensitive reaction due to the histamine release. The histamine release could be from the mast cells when antigens and antibodies (IgM or IgG) combine to activate the immunological reaction. The histamine release could IgE induced. There are certain drugs, pharmacological agents (e.g.: antibiotics, morphine, aspirin, etc.), food articles (proteins, milk products, etc.) Urticaria is a sign of antigen-antibody reaction.
During this process of antibody-antigen reaction, histamine and/or acetylcholine is generated which has the property of causing vessel dilatation (vasodilation) swelling, itching, pain and rash.
A large number of allergens have been identified as causative agents for some cases of urticaria
It may be noted that urticaria is an individual hypersensitivity and the following factors may not cause urticaria in all urticaria-prone individuals.
The clinical presentation of urticaria is usually acute or acute-on-chronic or recurring. The patient may present with usually sudden, acute skin eruption with swelling, redness, intense itching, burning and anxiety.
The urticaria eruptions may be irregularly shaped or round or may be like a vertical lines.. They may appear single or multiple, occasional or many appearing at once or a appearing and disappearing in random order.
The most annoying concern for the sufferer is intense itching which, when uncontrolled makes the patient restless and impatient. At times, the eruptions and itching may lead to disturbance at work and sleeplessness.
Angioneurotic edema (ANO, also called as Giant Urticaria) is a variant of urticaria which simply means large (massive or giant) urticaria with severe swelling (edema) of the skin at a deeper cellular level. When this involves respiratory organs such as larynx, it may lead to suffocation and to a medical emergency. The lips may get terribly swollen with ANO.
Dermatographism is an uncommon(4%) and an important urticaria variant, whereby if skin is rubbed forcibly as in writing, the written letters could raise showing the urticaria rash.
Homoeopathic treatment :
The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat Urticaria,but to address its underlying cause and individualallergic responses. Homeopathic treatment reinforces the immune system and balances the allergic reaction in the body.
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