Hormonal Imbalance


Hormones are the chemical messengers in the body that travel the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. They slowly work and affect many of the body’s processes over time. Endocrine glands, which are special groups of cells, make hormones.

Stressful lifestyle, Insecurity in personal relationships, Workplace Competition, Identity crisis, Increased Speed in the overall pace of life- few of the many factors that have had a toll on the MODERN DAY WOMEN. The result- Imbalance in Hormonal System & Disruption in the Normal Hormonal Cycle. If hormone imbalance is left untreated it can result in disease conditions listed below…


Age Group Major Problems
Young girls(12-15yrs) Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Hair fall, Acne, Premenstrual Cramps.
Young adults (16-28yrs) Irregular Menstrual Cycle PCOD, PCOS, Weight Fluctuations ,thyroid harmone imbalance
Midlife (35-40yrs) DUB, Leucorrhea (white bleeding) PID (Pelvic InflammatoryDiseases) Hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism
Menopause (40-50 years) Depression, Mood Swings,fibroid uterus,osteoporosis loss of libido etc


Homeopathy has been the successful system of medicine in BRINGING BALANCE AND CURE in hormonal disorders.

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